Curia Hostilia


Location 1: LTUR II fig. 153

Location 2: Carafa-Krause, p.4; Amici 2007 Scavo – p.82


  • Reign of Tullus Hostilius: Temple is supposedly built
  • 81 BCE: Reconstructed by Sulla to be larger
  • 52 BCE: Reconstructed by Sulla’s son
  • 43 BCE: Temporarily worked on by decree of Senate

Literary sources

  • Cass. Dio 44.5, 45.17.8
  • Cic. fin. 5.2, rep. 2.17.31
  • Gell. 14.7.7
  • Liv. 1.30
  • Plin. nat. 7.212 (demonstrates the location of the Curia, probably based on Varro)
  • Var. ling. 5.155 (for the origin of the name)