plan: Coarelli 2007
facade: see Tuscan Temple rule documentation
- Reign of Tarquinius Priscus: Temple vowed
- Reign of Tarquinius Superbus: Temple completed
- 83 BCE: Temple burned in a great fire
- 76 BCE: Rebuilt by Q. Catulus
Physical Details
- Had an altar in front consecrated to Jupiter
- North side of the Area Capitolina
- Faced southwest, three rows of columns on the pronaos, one on the side.
- Original temple had a base of cappellaccio blocks, measuring 62.25m x 53.5m
- Oriented along a northeast-southwest axis
- Likely had a 3-layer roof
- Tripartite (Juno, Jupiter, Minerva)
- New temple was tetrastyle and was of the Tuscan order like the archaic temple
- Plin. nat. 36.45 refers to the use of the Corinthian-order marble columns from the peristyle of the Athenian Temple of Olympian Zeus, taken in the sack by Sulla, but the numismatic evidence does not support this.
- New temple had same dimensions and base as original
Literary sources
- App. bell. civ. 1.83
- Cic. Catil. 3.4.9, 3.9; de orat. 3.46.180, Verr. II 4.69
- Dion. Hal. 3.69.3-4, 4.62.5-6
- Liv. 1.38.7, 1.53.2-5 1.55.2-6
- Mart. 5.10.6
- Plin. nat. 33.16, 36.45
- Plut. Publ. 15.1-2
- Sall. Catil. 47.2
- Suet. Aug. 94.8; Jul. 15.1
- Tac. ann. 6.12.3; hist. 3.72.3
- Val. Max. 6.9.5
- Vitruvius 3.3.5