plan : LTUR II fig.153
facade: see Tuscan Temple rule documentation
- 367 BCE: Temple is first vowed by Camillus in 367 BCE, but other structures under the temple date to this time.
- 304 BCE: A cult to Concord is attested, but likely before the temple’s construction.
- 121 BCE: Temple is remade (made?) by L. Opimius after the deaths of the Gracchi.
- 9 BCE: Temple is destroyed by fire or lightning
- 7 BCE-10 CE: Temple is restored (recovered materials confirm this date)
Physical details
- 4 meters in height are preserved, with the structure widening towards the base
Location confirmed by an inscription (northeast area of Forum) - Rectangular room (43.4m x 22.7 m), preceded by a pronaos (25.6m x 14.8m)
- High podium (podio), with a wall around the perimeter in opera quadrata of red tufa
- Access to the temple itself might have been a ramp
Literary sources
- Cass. Dio 56.25.1
- Hist. Aug. Pert. 4.9
- Ov. fast. 1.637-644
- Plin. nat. 34.73, 80, 89, 90; 36.196
- Plut. Cam. 42.4-6
- Serv. Aen. 2.116
- Stat. silv. 1.1.31
- Suet. Tib. 20
- Varro ling. 5.156
- CIL VI 90-94, 2033, 3675a